Best friends
Vänskap är en stor sak, att ha så här många underbara vänner är större! Vi har känt varandra i över 30 år och kan prata om allt. De flesta dagar är samtalen glada och lätta, men ibland är det tungt och mörkt, men vi finns där för varandra hela tiden! Jag är så glad att vi träffas på det här sättet, men vi har aldrig tidigare gjort så här mycket av våra möten. 4 nätter i en fjällstuga tillsammans. Matlagning, gott att dricka, fnitter, skratt, dans (😳), bastubad, yoga, vandringar, spa, middag på restaurang, mys i solen med champagne och så all denna omtänksamhet, givmildhet, kärlek och värme! Jag ser framför mig att vi fortsätter att träffas när vårt hår färgats silverfärgat och vi stapplar fram med rullatorn. Men tills dess lever vi här och nu och nästa gång vi ses är det mörkaste november uppe i sommarstugan i Dalarna. 

Friendship is a big thing, to have all of these wonderful friends is bigger. We have known each other for more than 30 years and we can talk about everything! Most days our topics are light and happy but we can and need to talk about the dark things too. The things that make us sad and angry. But we’ll be there for each other "for better and for worse". I’m so happy that we are able to meet like this, but this time we really made the most of it. 4 nights together in a cabin in the mountains. Cooking, nice things to drink, giggles and laughter and even dancing... sauna, yoga, hiking, SPA, dinner at a restaurant, enjoying the sun and drinking champagne and on top of it all, generousity, kindness, empathy and a lot of sisterly love! I can see our future older selves continuing to see each other like this! But ‘til then let’s just enjoy every single day! Next time when we we’ll meet it’s in the cold and dark November up in our cabin by the lake. 

Jag är verkligen välsignad och omgiven av fantastiska vänner; de som jag haft länge, the desperates, hon som jag pluggade tillsammans med, nyårsgänget, hon från usa, min bonussyster och fler! Tack för att ni finns!

I am truly blessed with amazing friends; the old ones, the desperates, the one I found at the university, the "New Year’s Eve gang", she whom I met in the US and my bonus sister and more. Thank you for being a part of my life!

Tove, Christine, Maria, Malin and I
This is where we went
Many hours on the road can make even the sane ones a bit crazy...


Siljan and Rättvik

We had to stop and give them some candy.
Almost there
The cabin

We found a perfect spot in the sun! 






It was a really nice cabin filled with lovely old things.


Breakfast, yummy!
Since I have problems with my knees I had to tell the others to do things without me. Here we have them hiking up Sonfjället. Unfortunately the weather was not that great at first, but it made the upward hiking and climbing a lot more exciting!

So beautiful!
Lots of rocks on the top, a reminder of the heavy ice that once rested here.
Into the mist they go.
On top of the world!
The green stuff on the rocks is called "kartlav", it’s a kind of lichen that looks like maps over the world when you look closely. Maybe in English it’s "map lichen"? I’m turning to my friend Beverly for help with this. Help, Beverly:)

Afterwards we enjoyed our evening with sauna, some tapas and later great food!

"The sauna girls"
The next day I decided that I should follow them to Fettjeåfallet, only 6 km.  The hiking was easier there and more manageable for me, but still very beautiful!  (null) 
A wood full of potential mystical and mythical beings! (null) 


Look at those roots!
Soft and green moss.


Flowing algae’s or the hair from a skogsrå (lady of the Forest)?  A Skogsrå/Huldra is an old mythical female creature, a beautiful lady of the forest. She lets herself be seen and those unfortunate ones that do get spellbound and follow her into the dark forest, never to be seen again. 

Almost there.



My friends and I.

Sherpas from Nepal built these stairs.

Time for a "fika".



Christine and the others went for a "swim" in the very cold water! 
That evening we went to this hotel for SPA and dinner. 
Malin getting some help to pose like the stars...
All of us.
This is me.
Christine and I.
A lamp made of reindeer horn.
We were dining in the winter garden! It’s beautiful there. They even have a small stream inside. 

The next morning my friends went for a longer hike. This day the weather was amazing!  (null) 
Plupp plupp! Maria is wearing a hat with a little person called Plupp on it. Plupp is a character from a series of books for children. With the help of the books, kids in Sweden can learn about animals and plants in the mountains, and of the importance of taking care of the environment! 




The colors!

On the top of the mountain.
And more waterfalls.

In case you’re wondering what I was doing while the others were hiking. Sometimes I’m a bit of a lone wolf and I have no problem being on my own for a while. I was reading a lot and did some traveling of my own.
Beautiful mountain road!
Klövsjö! I have done a lot of down hill skiing here. Nice to see the mountain in "summer clothing".

This house has the most perfect view! It must be so beautiful in wintertime too and the people that own it can walk or ski to the slopes! 
The village of Klövsjö.

Back in the cabin.
Trying to do some yoga...looks like success, does it not?  
Enjoying life.

Skål 🥂 

Last picture from the cabin. Time to start the journey back to our hometowns; Uppsala, Stockholm, Falun, hedemora and Avesta.
We wanted to stop for some fika and by chance found a beautiful old house that’s also a museum. (null) 


Tove is giving the old building some architectural love. (Tove is an architect)  (null) 

This house is called the American house, and I have no idea why. Unfortunately they had closed it for the season so we couldn’t enter.  (null) 
An Old house from Hälsingland. 

This place is actually on the list for world heritage/världsarv.
What a great weekend! So much energy and love is good for the soul!

My trip to the mountains inspired Niclas and Minna, so the weekend after they went there for some hiking of their own!  

Minna, on top of the world!
It differs just one week from when I was up there, but the colors were so much more vibrant now. 
Good job both of you! I’m so happy that you made this trip together! (null) 
Meanwhile Siri and I did our best to see all three of the extended versions of "The lord of the rings". We still have one left! 


The cat is so loving and cuddly!

Look what we got in the mail! A gift box from Canada 🇨🇦. Thank you Nick, Katja, Adelaide and Ingrid! 
Cat in the box!

And here are some other friends:) (null) 
Evelyn and Ellen are actually seeing each other today! One family lives in Belgium and the other family lives in Netherlands, but it’s just 3 hours to drive?! I wish that was the case for us! 


Autumn/fall is here! I love the freshness in the air and all the colors that can be seen now! And now it’s starting to get cold enough to wear soft sweaters! 



Enjoying the sun! Yes, still warm enough if you find a place out of the wind.  (null)     


Take care and be safe!