Our life through pictures
Livet har verkligen stillat sig här hos oss, men det är ju likadant nästan över hela världen. Alabama har fortfarande relativt få allvarligt sjuka eller döda i Covid - 19, men numera är vi förväntade att ha ansiktsmask i mataffärer och liknande och utegångsförbudet efter kl 22 gäller fortfarande. Alla man möter är dock försiktiga och civiliserade, vi är ju alla i samma situation. 

Life has really come to a halt here, but it’s the same for all of us all over the world. In comparison with the rest of the USA, Alabama still has a bit fewer seriously ill and dead in Covid -19. We’re now instructed to wear a mask whenever we go to a store and we’re still under curfew. Everyone you meet outside or in a store is causios and civil, we’re all in this together! 

Vi har gjort av oss av med en bil och lever generellt betydligt billigare än tidigare. Vi har däremot börjat fundera på vad vi ska handla för att ta med oss hem till Sverige. Jag måste ju ha med mig ett par cowgirl boots och en "porch swing, southern style". 

We have got rid of one of the cars and we just don’t spend a lot of money anymore. But we have started to think about what we have to order/buy before we go back to Sweden. It’s a absolute must for me to put up a porch swing at home and I need a pair of cowgirl boots! 

Det verkar ha löst sig med alla våra möbler. De ska hämtas här av en flyttfirma och transporteras till en annan del av USA. Nu gäller det bara att tajma vår egen packning med möbelflytt! Lyckas vi inte med det riskerar vi att bli sittandes i ett tomt hus...

It seems like we have a solution for the problem with our furniture. A moving company will empty the house and transport it to another Swede living here in the USA. The only problem left is to synchronize this with all the stuff that we own and that will go to Sweden. We don’t want to be living in a totally empty house...

Sedan sist har vi umgåtts försiktigt med några av våra vänner, men fortfarande mest online. Upplevt härliga vindar och betydligt allvarligare storm, firat påsk med sill från Ikea, haft en orm på besök och ägnat mycket tid i trädgården. 

Since my last post on my blog we have met some of our friends, mostly online but also cautiously IRL. We have had amazingly warm winds and a bit more dangerously winds too, we have celebrated Easter with herring from IKEA . We also had a snake in the garden and we have spent a lot of time outside. 
I wonder which one of us were aware that a picture was taken:) Amazing friends from Sweden. Sorry girls, that was a bit mean, but funny too:)
Some more artistic pictures, playing with shadow and light.


Beautiful tree in our garden
The whole family went for a walk in The Waters. Nice weather, nice walk and nice talks
Minna and Liz

That’s me
And this is us
Minna, I, Niclas and Siri
Fun chat with my lovely desperates 
Oops, the same tree again
Warm and windy. That was such a nice day outside

My beautiful girls
And my handsome husband 
In real life, 3 feet apart and of course sadly no hugs and kisses
We have a little fire pit in the garden. We have now filled it again with small branches and twigs that we collected after the storm. We will have ourselves a bonfire first of May! (Swedish tradition)
Here are Niclas and Siri at a bonfire some years ago. Hot hot hot!


Karina and Hans, Jannicke and Andreas. We had some soft drinks, beers and home delivered pizza. Good to see you! 

The many hours outside has colored my hair with very blonde stripes.
Minna’s class mates in a zoom meeting. This is how the kids school looks like now. 
Beautiful visitor in the garden
Another visitor, Martin. And Niclas 
And then it was Easter 
I had to do some decorating outside (null) 
Easter drink 
Easter weather in Montgomery 
I made some "påskris" for Adelaide and had her follow a thread throughout their garden, at the end she found a Swedish Easter egg. I’m so happy that I could give her this experience, it’s just sad that we can’t meet in person! F..k Covid - 19! We miss her and her lovely family! 

Katja and Adelaide. Love the pajamas and her rubber boots!
We got an Easter gift from Katja, Nick, Adelaide and Ingrid, candy and home made face masks. Thank you!

Easter = candy, right? 
We’re talking to Kjell on messenger. Kjell is my mother’s man. As kind and sweet as they come.
Our girls had to go out and take 10 pictures each of different things to get their eggs. For example; take a picture of your favorite thing, take a picture of a flock of birds. A great way to force them out of the house:)
Easter dress
Three different herrings, eggs with sour creme and caviar, ribs, homemade Swedish meatball, beer and snaps.  

And then we had to get the storm shelter in order. We had a severe storm with a lot of thunder and lightning, but thankfully no casualties! It was so much worse in other states. 

A friend to Liz had to take cover from these. Hale as big as small eggs 
The day after the storm we had a lot of fallen down branches and twigs in the garden, and a snake that we first took for a twig!!!
Siri saw it moving and yelled, Snake! 
Liz made me a personalized exercise program. It’s a every day challenge for 30 days. Thank you Liz! 
I love this view from the master bedroom! And the carpet is nice and soft when I exercise! 
The house is so big that I sometimes have conversations with the girls on messenger instead of in real life... Siri loves it when I take
screenshots from our conversations...
Doing some homework 

What is this picture doing here? Well, cheers everyone!
Flowers in the garden

That view!
Liz bought us some weapons we can use on each other when we get bored! Great idea Liz!

Nice day to be outside blogging 

Over and out for now. Love y’all